2D Game Engine
2D platformer game builder for Gaming Frameworks class.
- OpenGL
- C++
A 2D game engine for creating platformer, side-scrolling games created by our Gaming Frameworks class team of 5 at university in 2017. In class, we were learnding about game engine software architechtures, and this 2D game engine was our final project applying what we learned. Created using C++ and JUCE. The majority of my work dealt with graphics rendering in OpenGL, implementing basic audio triggering, and implementing the multi-threaded system.
- Drag-and-drop game editor with grid
- Multi-threaded architechture: seperate graphics rendering and game logic threads
- Basic enemy A.I.
- 2D physics
- Audio triggering
- Image texture loading
- Level system with transitions

UI of our 2D game engine depicting the game world in the center with editing controls on left and right.